100% organic, natural and active, the Altearah Perfum sprays bring instant well-being. This box contains the 5 Essential Altearah wellness sprays to support you to reconnect to yourself and others...
Awaken the passion and desire in your love life. Stimulate your senses, starting with the warming Orange, creativity scrub, the Red, Vitality body oil and the Pink perfume for more...
Altearah Bio has selected these 5 colours as they are the foundation for everyone. These 5 colours address most peoples health concerns: Royal Purple creates more energy and a better...
Let us support and pamper you while you support your family. Take some time for yourself, clear your energy and gather your resources. You deserve it! You cannot draw from an...
Can’t decide which colour?  Have them all with the Natural Organic Perfume Discovery set. The box set contains all 14 colours in the perfume for your aromatic delight. Each...